The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration on Monday moved in heavy machinery to the Mahakarn Fort to improve its scenery and landscape after last week’s relocation of the last group of dwellers from the 200 years historic fort.
The improvement work was supervised by deputy governor of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Chakkapan Piewngam yesterday(Apr 29).
According to Mr Chakkapan, the improvement now conducted by the BMA’s Department of Public Works started levelling the ground for the landscape improvement.
The process will take a month before it is open for public use.
He said the area previously used for dwelling will be turned into a temporary public park.
The process is expected to take four to six days, before the land is ready for planting and lightings expected to complete by the end of next month.
The funds used came from residents and independent organizations.
Motorists are still allowed to use the roads around the area during the improvement but for traveling at night they are advised to use alternative routes until lighting finishes.
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