The Food and Drug Administration has stopped the advertisements of a weight loss product, Mary Peaw, after it was discovered that the advertisements have exaggerated the quality of the product and it was not registered.
The latest action followed complaints from many consumers asking the FDA to check the advertisements of Mary Peaw slimming product in the social media whether they are exaggerating or not.
FDA deputy secretary-general Dr Poonlarp Chantha said Saturday that officials had checked the advertisements and found them to be exaggerating and, also, the product has not been registered with the FDA.
He warned consumers, especially women, who want to shed their weight not to easily fall prey to advertisements of this and similar products which will not help in weight loss, but will also be harmful to their health.
Most weight loss products contain chemicals which discourage appetite, he said, adding that they will help shed weight while using them, but once stop using them, the consumers will gain weight quickly known as “yo-yo effect”.
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