In Thailand

Summer storm warning between March 20-23

Summer storm warning between March 20-23
Written by Thailand News

The Thai Meteorological Department issued a summer storm warning which is expected to hit northeastern and eastern regions starting next Tuesday (March 20) and followed by the central and northern regions, including Bangkok, on the following day.

Attributable to cold weather front from China which is anticipated to blanket the upper part of Thailand and the South China Sea on March 20 coinciding with the hot weather in Thailand, the Weatherman said these would cause summer storm to be manifested in the forms of thunderstorm, strong wind, lightning strikes and possible hail storm.

Affected regions are as follow:

March 20: The Northeast and the East

March 21: The North and the Central, including Bangkok and its vicinity.

People living in the aforementioned regions are advised to not staying outdoor under huge trees or bill boards during thunder storm.  Farmers are also warned that their crops may be damaged by hail storm.

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